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Worthless Check Unit
When someone writes a bad check, we all suffer. Merchants and others in this country lose thousands of dollars every year through bad checks. To compensate for this loss, businesses are forced to raise their prices. Nationwide figures show that bad checks, a form of retail theft, are one of the major contributors to retail bankruptcies.
Formed in 1982, our Worthless Check Unit was the first of its kind in the State and since then has returned more than $15 million dollars to the merchants of Madison County.
The Q&A section can answer some basic questions about what we do and how we help area merchants recover their losses. We also offer on-line forms to help streamline the collection process. Our capable and friendly staff is led by Coordinator Jasmyne Asberry. Please let us know how we can assist you.
For further information, contact us at (256) 532-3483. We are located at the courthouse on the 5th Floor.
Madison County District Attorney's Office
Madison County District Attorney's Office
100 North Side Square
Huntsville, AL 35801
Contact Us
Office: 256-532-3460
Fax: 256-532-6974

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